Savings, CDs & IRAs

Saving for the future you envision
Investing in your tomorrow begins today. Whether you’re just starting your savings adventure or are looking for higher returns on the money you’ve worked hard to earn, we have the savings and investment solutions you need to create the future you want.
Journey Into Savings!
To open a savings account, CD or IRA with Journey Bank, visit one of our 22 locations in Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Lycoming and Clinton counties or submit a contact us form today and one of our team members will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
Certificates of Deposits
Certificates of Deposits (CDs) are one of the easiest ways to earn interest if you don’t need immediate access to your funds. We are proud to offer a variety of CDs to help your money work harder for you! A CD account is a perfect way to save and prepare for your financial future.
Savings Accounts
Savings AccountEarn competitive rates with free and convenient services to help you manage your savings for a financial future that fits your life.Learn More
Club Savings AccountsSaving up for a specific journey? Our club savings accounts can help you to routinely deposit funds to reach your financial goal. Learn More
Youth Savings It’s never too early to teach your teenagers about the importance of saving. Give their future a promising start with our easy and accessible Youth Savings options. Learn More
The Bankasaurus BunchThe Bankasaurus Bunch is a rewarding savings program for children ages twelve and under that helps to teach them the importance of saving. Our program offers incentives and prizes to help your kids establish and reach their goals.Learn More

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
Finance your future with an IRA while deferring taxes. With fixed-term options from 18 months to 5 years, you have the power to control how much your money grows.